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With the rise in energy prices, making savings on your energy bills has become a major challenge!
To achieve your energy savings goals, start by consuming better and responsibly.
Several solutions exist and can be combined, it's up to you to find the ones that correspond to your energy needs.
Photo of the company Olenergies, clean energy storage
Photo ©Olenergies


Energy storage concerns both heat and electricity. As its name suggests, energy storage allows to keep the energy produced in excess. So you can reuse it whenever you want, during your consumption peaks for example.

Opt for an energy storage solution adapted to your needs:

Photovoltaic modules

biofuel cell



The energy broker continually negotiates with energy suppliers to provide you with offers at the lowest prices:



If you want to reduce the amount of your energy bills without doing any work, energy brokerage is the solution for you! An alternative that is easy to set up and does not require any investment.

Photo of the company Opera Energie, gas and electricity broker for professionals
Photo ©Opera Energy
Illustration of the Volterres company, a short-circuit renewable electricity supply offered by independent producers
Photo ©Volterres


Take responsibility for your energy consumption by choosing a green energy supplier! An energy is qualified as “green” when it is produced from renewable energy sources (hydraulic, solar, etc.) or by a renewable chemical process (methanation).

By subscribing to a “green” energy offer, you reduce your environmental impact by using energies that emit very few greenhouse gases and thus support the development of renewable energy production capacities.

Green electricity

green gas


Installing energy saving solutions in your building is good, analyzing your energy consumption to make these solutions even more efficient is better!

Energy management gives you 360° control over your various energy consumption items (electricity, water, heating). It detects your areas for improvement and coordinates your actions to achieve them.

To achieve long-term energy savings, it is recommended to install an energy management system.

Photo ©Wesby
Photo of energy harvester


Energy used daily in certain processes can be recovered and reused.

In order to reduce your energy bills, you can opt for an energy recovery system and thus avoid waste.

This recovered energy is infinitely renewable and is a major asset for the energy transition. In addition, it does not emit any pollutants into the atmosphere!