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If you want to improve the energy performance of your building, the step not to be taken lightly is choosing your heating and cooling system.
By choosing a responsible and energy-efficient system, you can benefit from clean and sustainable energy while making significant savings on your energy bills.
Whether you are looking for an alternative to heat or cool your building, the key is to choose the solution that will meet your needs.
Photo of the company Methavos, energy constructor
Photo ©Methavos


Biomass, a source of renewable energy, comes from all living organic matter of animal or plant origin.

How does biomass energy work? Biomass is an energy reserve because it originates from the carbon cycle or photosynthesis.
Benefits ? It is an energy that is inexhaustible and releases very few greenhouse gases.

It is possible for you to produce heat with energy recovery from biomass using two processes:

Burning wood or grain

waste incineration


The digital boiler is a solution that actively participates in the energy transition of buildings. Indeed, it makes it possible to heat domestic hot water by capturing the heat given off by computer processors and thus avoiding any energy waste.

Both ecological and economical, this solution is an alternative to the collective boiler and adapts perfectly to residential and tertiary buildings.

Qarnot company photo, carbon footprint reduction
Photo ©Garnot
Photo of the company HeatSkin, heating membranes by infrared radiation
Photo ©heatskin


Smart heaters combine innovation, savings and preservation of the environment.

Opt for a smart heating system adapted to your renovation or construction project:

Solar thermal heating

Low carbon heating & air conditioning

Carbon radiant heater

Radiator - computer


What is a heat exchanger? The heat exchanger makes it possible to transfer thermal energy from one fluid to another without mixing them.

If you are an industry, this solution will adapt perfectly to your building! It will allow you to benefit from high thermal efficiency and thus considerably reduce your heating consumption.

Barriquand company photo, heat exchanger
Photo ©Barriquand


How does geothermal energy work? Geothermal energy consists of drawing from the ground, underground, coolness in summer and heat in winter. Geothermal energy is therefore a renewable, local and carbon-free energy.

Heat production: heating solutions, domestic hot water production

Cold production: climate wells, geocooling, geothermal heat pumps


The heat pump captures the heat calories present in the air, the ground or the water and reinjects them into your building to produce heat.

This is a solution that will allow you to considerably reduce the amount of your energy bills because the heat pump uses an inexhaustible and free raw material: air.

What are the different types of heat pump?

Air / water heat pump: heat production

Water / water heat pump: production of heat and hot water

If you suffer from heat waves during summer periods, you can also cool your building with a reversible heat pump!

Photo ©SDEEC
Company photo Enogia, a global player in the design of micro-turbomachines
Photo ©Enogia


The heat recovery unit recovers the waste heat emitted by your heating system or other energy-consuming installations and then redistributes it throughout your building.

An innovative process that recovers the energy lost from your:

Waste water treatment

Refrigeration plants

If you are seduced by the heat recovery unit, don't worry, this solution adapts to any type of activity and structure!


As you know, heat spikes have become more frequent and intense, and will continue over time.

So how do you adapt to these heat peaks without resorting to air conditioning? By choosing solutions that consume less energy but are just as effective:

Low-carbon air conditioning

Adiabatic cooling

Eco-conscious fan

Photo ©Ecofresh