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Author: Marine

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Noise, a real source of stress and anxiety, can cause general fatigue in the long run. In fact, continuous noise can reduce your teams' ability to perceive useful signals for carrying out their work, it is a source of distraction. He...

It was in 2015 that the National Low Carbon Strategy (SNBC) was adopted in France, a real roadmap against climate change. Her goals ? Achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and reduce the carbon footprint of French consumption. In order to find that perfect balance between...

As you know, since January 1, 2020, companies with more than 50 employees are required to carry out a Sustainable Mobility Plan. As a reminder, the Sustainable Mobility Plan (PMD), also known as the Company Travel Plan (PDE), corresponds to the implementation...

Today, it is possible, as a professional, to take responsibility for their energy consumption of gas or electricity, by choosing a green energy supplier. Indeed, these energies are produced from renewable energy sources: hydraulic, wind, solar, geothermal for so-called "green" electricity...

It is a new approach to agriculture that brings together all the agricultural practices carried out in the city. On rooftops, in courtyards, or in public spaces; it considerably reduces CO2 emissions. Both beneficial for communities and businesses,...

In France, according to ADEME, lighting is one of the most energy-intensive items, especially in offices, with 6 TWh per year. It is high time to change our consumption patterns and opt for clean, economical and intelligent solutions. Yes but which ones? LED, bioluminescence, photoluminescence,...

Stationery, supplies, hygiene products, computers… products that we use daily at work but which nevertheless leave a considerable environmental footprint. Did you know that each year, in France, an employee consumes an average of 70 to 85 kg of paper? A major impact on the environment… This is why it...

The interior design of your office also has an impact on the environment. Many solutions exist: ecological decoration based on natural materials, layout that promotes well-being and productivity at work, vegetation, acoustic solutions... If your company is fitted out in an eco-responsible way, congratulations!...